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Jill Biden Applauds Joe Biden's Triumph: A Full Speech Without a Single Nap
Washington, D.C. – In a historic turn of events, First Lady Jill Biden heaped unprecedented praise on President Joe Biden today for delivering an entire speech without falling asleep. This remarkable feat has sent ripples of astonishment and admiration through the political landscape. Read More.
Biden Realizes Trump Should Be the Next President
In a surprising turn of events, President Joe Biden has publicly acknowledged that his predecessor, Donald Trump, should be the next president of the United States. This unprecedented admission came during a nationally televised address, leaving the political landscape in shock and sparking intense debate across the country. Read More.
Biden’s House Sale: The Ultimate Money Laundering Scheme?
In a shocking revelation that has taken the nation by storm, President Joe Biden has reportedly sold his house, sparking wild conspiracy theories about potential money laundering schemes. The President's humble abode, once a serene sanctuary in Delaware, is now at the center of a media frenzy, with pundits and armchair detectives alike suggesting that the sale is nothing more than an elaborate ruse to launder money. Read More.
U.N. Chief: Fossil Fuel Companies ‘Godfathers of Climate Chaos’
U.N. alarmist-in-chief António Guterres laid into fossil fuel companies calling for a ban on their ads and increased taxes on energy firms. Read More.
University Expels Student for Unauthorized Free Speech Violation
May 22, 2024 — In a bold move to maintain the harmonious echo chamber of collegiate discourse, Upper Crust University (UCU) has expelled sophomore Jason Freewell from its residence halls for the grievous crime of uttering an unauthorized opinion. Read More.
U.S. Government Now Offers Personalized Indictments as Unique Birthday Gifts
In a surprising turn of events, the U.S. government has announced a novel initiative to celebrate American birthdays: personalized indictments for fake crimes. This innovative approach, inspired by the lackluster enthusiasm for traditional gifts, promises to make each birthday a memorable legal adventure. Read More.
President Biden's Newest Challenge: Navigating the White House Maze
In an unexpected twist of presidential duties, President Joe Biden has embarked on a unique quest: mastering the labyrinthine corridors of the White House while grappling with the challenges of what some observers humorously term "presidential forgetfulness."  Read More.
BREAKING NEWS: Biden Administration Invests $7 Billion in Elusive "Invisibility Technology" Project
In a stunning move that left economists scratching their heads and taxpayers clutching their wallets, the Biden administration has announced a whopping $7 billion investment in what they cryptically referred to as the "Invisibility Technology" project. Read More.
Princeton Students on Hunger Strike for Palestine Complain School Officials Not Monitoring Their Health
"[They're] not monitoring our health. They are not keeping track of our vitals. They are not at all taking care of us." Read More.
Breaking News: Scientists Discover Planet Deep Within Earth!
In a stunning revelation that has sent shockwaves through the scientific community and bridal shops alike, a team of researchers has announced the discovery of a previously unknown planet nestled deep within the bowels of our own planet Earth. Dubbed "Planet Bride," this clandestine celestial body is purportedly teeming with tulle, lace, and enough wedding paraphernalia to make even the most fervent bridezilla blush. Read More.
Local Man Ventures into Underground Boxing with a Wild Twist: Human vs. Animal Matches
In a bold move that has left jaws dropping faster than punches in the ring, a local man has announced his intention to dive into the underground boxing scene with a twist that's as outrageous as it is eyebrow-raising. Buckle up, folks, because we're about to witness humanity's most primal instincts collide with its most bizarre fantasies. Read More.

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