Did Democrats Really Think This Video Was Going to Earn Them Favor?

All Democrats have to do is act normal – and they can’t even manage that.

Democrats released a video on social media featuring a number of female leftists striking various fighting poses. The video, titled, “Choose Your Fighter,” was apparently supposed to mimic fighting video games like Street Fighter 2 or Mortal Kombat where a player can choose which character they want to use.

Self-proclaimed “Bento Box Queen” started off the video. Next was Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) who described herself as “Youngest woman + Latina to be elected to the House” and a “Trekkie.”

That last part shows she is not fit for office. Who in their right mind would favor Star Trek over Star Wars?

Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL) described herself as the “Youngest black women (sic) elected to congress” who also “Hates balloons.”

If she’s talking about hot-air balloons, I’m with her on that one. But as a member of Congress, she likely has no problems with hot air on its own, right?

Of course, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), the Democratic Party’s most clickworthy performance artist, also made an appearance, describing herself as “not a morning person.”

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David Hogg by Lorie Shaull is licensed under Flickr

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