YAY! Democrats Hit Lowest Approval EVER

If I didn't think that the Democratic Party was an organized crime operation determined to pillage the country and enslave most people, I would feel sorry for them. 

But they are, so I don't feel a bit sorry for them. I am thrilled to see that nearly 8 out of 10 Americans think that Congressional Democrats are worthless putzes, or worse.

This news comes from Quinnipiac University's latest poll, which is hardly right-leaning to begin with. According to the RealClearPolitics Pollster scorecard, Quinnipiac tends to make fairly large errors that lean toward the Democrats almost all the time. Over the past decade, Quinnipiac leans about 7 points leftward. 

The poll shows the country as divided as ever on most issues, with few people having anything but strong opinions on any issue. Nobody is wishy-washy right now. You love Trump or hate him. You love Elon or you hate him. 

The on thing that seems to unite everybody, though, is that Congressional Democrats suck. 

Could it get any worse for the Democrats?

Yes, yes it can. DOGE is coming for their illicit funding streams, and the outside Democratic Party donors are looking at the current crew in power and thinking they are losers. 

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