Tulsi Gabbard breaks off long-time relationship with the Democratic Party

Washington, DC - Scrolling through old photos of Tulsi Gabbard on Facebook, DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison was seen wiping tears from his eyes as he said, “I just can’t quit you.” The reaction comes after Tulsi announced that she was leaving the Democratic Party in a viral video earlier this week.

“I gave her the best years of my life, and what does she do? Goes off and says that Democrats are warmongers who brought the US to the brink of nuclear armageddon,” Mr. Harrison said before blowing his nose into a handkerchief with the DNC logo on it. When Harrison asked Tulsi why she was leaving the Dems, Gabbard responded, “It’s not you, it’s your incessant need to spend billions of dollars on someone else’s war.” 

Jaime Harrison knew that the relationship was rocky when Tulsi wouldn’t answer his multiple texts. “I know, I texted her several times asking ‘U up?’ but I thought things were ok between us.” The DNC Chairman was later heard saying, “She wasn’t even that hot. Does anyone know where AOC is right now?”
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Tulsi Gabbard by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Flickr

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