Democrats prepared to blame racism, the pandemic, and other issues for eventual election loss

  • by:
  • Source: PJ Media
  • 11/01/2022
I refuse to count our House and Senate seats before they hatch. But if we all vote and there is minimal cheating, it looks like the Republicans are going to be enjoying a cigar on the 2022 battlefield, looking over the smoldering corpses of the Democrat political forces while singing the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”.

And naturally, Democrats will have to address their loss. Whenever a football team loses, for example, the coach is pulled in front of the cameras and expected to explain what went wrong.

As with every loss, fingers will be pointed and answers will be demanded. Will the Democrats admit their thug-hugging, soft-on-crime flapdoodle was part of the problem? Will they accept that blindly trusting Dr. Tony “I am science” Fauci lead the nation to near ruin? Will they throw Joe “totally showered with his daughter” Biden under the bus and install Kamala what’s-her-face as the new Diversity Hire-in-Chief?
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The 2020 Presidential Debate by Clay Banks is licensed under Unsplash

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