Obama’s Awful, Bad, Horrible, Painfully Unfunny TikTok Video

  • by:
  • Source: PJ Media
  • 11/04/2022
The internal polling must look really, really bad for the Democrats, for not only have they hauled out their abiding hero Barack Obama, but they have sent him out to court the gender-ambiguous TikTok star vote.

Now, you may have thought that the Dems had the gender-ambiguous TikTok star vote absolutely sewn up, but apparently, they don’t think so, as the sainted former president appeared on “Under the Desk News,” the TikTok show of an individual named Vitus Spehar, who calls himself “V” and cultivates a fashionable Is-That-A-Man-Or-A-Woman image.

Spehar has 2.7 million followers on TikTok, and 1.5 million have watched his Obama video, so apparently, the former president’s appearance has served its purpose, but the segment is about as cringeworthy as you’d expect.
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