Hillary’s Comedy Hour: Joking About Trump’s Assassination While Censorship Dreams Come True

In yet another eyebrow-raising appearance, Hillary Clinton took to Rachel Maddow's show with a message that would make even Orwell blush. Instead of condemning the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, she used the platform to further her decades-long grudge against him, declaring him "a danger to our country and the world." Never mind that Trump's life was just targeted—Hillary's primary concern seems to be that Americans are still allowed to hold opinions she doesn’t approve of.

Clinton didn't stop at mere name-calling, though. Oh no, she’s taken her war on free speech to a new level, suggesting that Americans who engage in what she labels as “propaganda” should face legal consequences. In her eyes, expressing political views that contradict her carefully constructed narrative apparently qualifies as a crime. Funny how that works—disagreeing with Hillary means you're suddenly a propagandist worthy of a jail cell.

And if you're thinking, “Surely Maddow called her out on this!”—think again. Rachel Maddow, who has long since traded her journalism credentials for activist talking points, was more than happy to play along. The two of them barely mentioned the assassination attempt, breezing past it as though an attack on a former president isn’t worth the airtime. Instead, they focused on how dangerous it is that Trump is still free to run for office and that his supporters can voice their opinions online. It’s almost as if they believe that silencing half the country is the path to "saving" democracy.

In Hillary’s world, the real danger isn't violence against her political opponents—it's the fact that her opponents exist at all. Her prescription for this "problem"? Criminalize dissent. Let that sink in for a minute. The same woman who once campaigned under the banner of democracy and civil liberties is now calling for an era where the government punishes citizens for sharing the wrong memes or posting the wrong opinions. The First Amendment? In Hillary's dystopia, it’s more like an afterthought.

This interview was a masterclass in elite arrogance. For two people who claim to be champions of democracy, they seem to have a pretty loose understanding of what that word actually means. In their world, democracy is only functional when the "correct" people are in power, and anyone who dares to challenge that must be silenced. Whether it's through the media, the courts, or Hillary's dream of "deterrent" legal action against online speech, the endgame is clear—control the narrative at all costs.

What’s even more astonishing is the sheer lack of self-awareness. For all their talk of Trump being a threat to democracy, Clinton and Maddow are the ones proposing actual threats to free speech and political discourse. They want a society where political opposition isn't just debated—it’s criminalized. It’s not just about silencing Trump; it’s about silencing anyone who dares to stand in their way.

Meanwhile, ordinary Americans watching this spectacle are likely shaking their heads in disbelief. Is this really the “leadership” the Left has to offer? A constant barrage of fearmongering, censorship, and elitist disdain for the voices of everyday citizens? If this is their idea of saving the country, it’s no wonder more and more Americans are waking up to the hypocrisy.

In the end, what Clinton and Maddow fail to realize is that their strategy of silencing opposition won’t work. People see through it, and the more they try to shut down the conversation, the louder it will get. Democracy thrives on debate, dissent, and the free exchange of ideas—principles that Clinton and Maddow seem all too eager to discard.

So, while they may enjoy their echo chamber for now, the rest of America will continue to exercise its right to speak freely, no matter how many times Hillary wishes we wouldn't. After all, democracy isn’t about silencing your opponents—it’s about giving them the space to be heard, something Clinton and her cheerleaders might want to revisit before lecturing the rest of us.

This content is a work of satire and parody. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Any opinions expressed in this content do not reflect the views of the author or publisher. In fact, they probably reflect the opposite of the views of the author or publisher. The purpose of this content is to entertain and possibly make you question the reality of the world around you. So please, don't take anything too seriously, unless it's the importance of a good laugh.
Hillary Clinton by Karen Murphy is licensed under Flickr CC BY-ND 2.0

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