Hell freezes over as Black Woman Criticizes the Wokeness of Far-Left Hollywood

The days when Hollywood was just focused on providing entertainment have long gone. It is now overtaken by political correctness and “wokeness” from the left.

This culture of “wokeness” and political correctness keeps getting more and more extreme, which can be destructive and harmful to society. “Hollywood is just another casualty in the left’s dominance of American culture,” said Toto, the founder of the conservative entertainment site HollywoodInToto.com.

“It’s the same way the culture went woke and lost its soul,” Toto told The Daily Signal. “A few studio executives make a few decisions, a few actors realize if they share some woke virtue signaling on social media, they’ll get more attention, more positive press. And it goes from there.”
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Hollywood sign. by Vincentas Liskauskas is licensed under Unsplash unsplash.com

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