Heartbreaking Testimony of Fired Pediatric Nurse “I Am the Face of Your Misinformation Campaign”

Former pediatric nurse Tawny Buettner gave a heartbreaking and powerful speech at San Diego Board of Supervisors meeting this week. After working as a nurse for over 12 years, Buettner was fired from the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (CTICU) of a major children’s hospital in San Diego for refusing the COVID vaccine.

On October 1, 2021, Buettner was removed from the bedside because the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in San Diego County went into effect. Other hospitals accepted exemptions and allowed nurses to stay in their positions, but not Rady Children’s. Buettner tells KUSI News that Rady removed the unvaccinated nurses because they were too great a risk, even though they weren’t testing vaccinated people at the time.

Then, they accepted religious exemptions for the booster shot, and allowed the nurses with religious exemptions to stay working bedside.
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Covid-19 by SJ Objio is licensed under Unsplash unsplash.com

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