Goodbye Underwater Basket Weaving, Hello DEI Major! Wharton’s New Degree Is Dumbest Ever

In “Politics & The English Language,” George Orwell warns writers to avoid using dying metaphors that have lost “all evocative power.” For example, making fun of hippie liberals for getting a “degree in underwater basketweaving” is now a bit outdated.

Well, fear not because thanks to the Wharton School of Business, we have a newly invented metaphor that might be even better to describe useless college degrees: The DEI major.

Beginning in 2023, you can now receive a Master of Business Administration in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI).

This content is a work of satire and parody. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Any opinions expressed in this content do not reflect the views of the author or publisher. In fact, they probably reflect the opposite of the views of the author or publisher. The purpose of this content is to entertain and possibly make you question the reality of the world around you. So please, don't take anything too seriously, unless it's the importance of a good laugh.
College graduates by Vasily Koloda is licensed under Unsplash

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