EXCLUSIVE: Walz's former National Guard colleague alleges classified nuclear manual went missing in Nebraska during his tenure

  • by:
  • Source: Alpha News
  • 09/23/2024

The retired Nebraska National Guard soldier, who worked with Walz for three years, recounted the disappearance in an interview as a congressional investigation into Walz's China ties continues.

It was September 1995, and Tim Walz’s Nebraska National Guard unit, the 1-168th Field Artillery, upgraded to the M109A5 self-propelled howitzer. One of its capabilities was firing nuclear artillery shells.

Critical SOP manual for nuclear artillery allegedly disappears 

Alpha News has learned from a former National Guard colleague of Walz that, during that time, a classified document allegedly went missing—the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manual detailing the howitzer’s nuclear capabilities.

The retired Nebraska National Guard soldier, who worked with Walz for three years, recounted the disappearance in a phone interview with Alpha News. Fearing retaliation, he wishes to remain anonymous but is willing to cooperate with the FBI.

According to the retired soldier, Walz had just returned from another trip to China around the time when the manual went missing. He alleges Walz was one of the few with access to the building where the top-secret manual was stored and was “often the only one there.” The former battalion member said he believes Walz stole the nuclear SOP manual and later returned it.

Alpha News asked why the missing manual was never reported. The former battalion member explained there was frustration at the time within the unit over Walz “double-dipping,” as he was holding a full-time teaching job while also being expected to serve full time with the unit. He claims that Walz frequently neglected key duties, such as recruitment and payroll, which allegedly raised concerns to the point that a superior had to investigate. The former soldier stated that the unit was more focused on those issues, and when the manual eventually reappeared, it went unreported. In hindsight, the soldier believes he should have reported it when it first went missing but feared repercussions for not addressing it sooner.

Alpha News contacted Walz’s team regarding the missing classified military documents but did not receive a response.

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Tim Walz by Lorie Shaull is licensed under Flickr CC BY 2.0

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