Damning 2020 election clip comes back to haunt debate moderator Jake Tapper

Jake Tapper is catching major flak from all sides, and rightfully so. Instead of using his platform to deliver actual news and facts to CNN’s dwindling audience, Tapper has chosen to spread hate, propaganda, and lies. At his worst, he comes off like a hysterical white liberal, “Karen,” completely overtaken by Stage 5 TDS. What’s truly disappointing is that Jake is marketed as a trusted newsman, not just another opinion-spewing host. CNN touts him as the “trusted face” of their network, which just goes to show why their ratings are literally in the crapper with Tapper.

Because Jake is hosting the first presidential debate, all of these past comments and hysterical regime propaganda are fair game, and they are coming back to haunt him. Especially this latest clip, which took place right after the 2020 election. Tapper really laid the propaganda on thick, calling Trump’s presidency dishonest, cruel, and inhumane.

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