Colorado Bill to Require False “Gender Identity” Recorded on Death Certificates

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  • Source: WokeSpy
  • 02/20/2025

If you ever had a doubt that woke leftism is a true cult, this story out of Colorado will put those doubts to rest. HB25-1109 is the kind of lawmaking you only expect to see on the other side of Alice’s looking glass. The bill makes it a crime to “misgender” someone on a death certificate. In other words, the bill would require grieving families, funeral directors, and doctors, to lie about the actual sex of a deceased person on the official government document certifying their death. 

LibsOfTikTok brought the news here:

First, a quick lesson on how death certificate preparation works. There are two portions: biographical information, and medical information. The funeral director (or the family, if they complete the task) fills out the biographical portion. This includes things like mom’s maiden name, what industry dad worked in, where the person was born, etc. The medical portion is the spot where the doctor or medical examiner describes the cause and manner of death and notes any diseases or injuries before signing the document and making it legal. 

The bill also:

  1. Forces the state registrar (the official record keeper) to amend death certificates to show the incorrect sex if the deceased’s kin shows a document outlining that person’s so-called “gender identity.”
  2. Makes “misgendering” a dead person a crime punishable by up to a year in prison, a $1,000 fine, or both
  3. Makes it illegal for the state registrar to mark the altered certificate as “amended.” This means no one can know that the sex was falsified, and it will be hard or impossible to establish a deceased person’s actual identity. 

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