CNN data guru stunned by Trump's approval shift from eight years ago

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  • Source: Fox News
  • 01/27/2025

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten broke down the data showing how President Donald Trump has made a historic comeback in his favorability ratings since entering the White House this week.

"The American people really like what they’re seeing, at least compared to where Donald Trump started eight years ago," Enten told anchor Kate Bolduan on Friday's edition of CNN News Central.

Enten shared a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken this week which found more Americans approve of Trump's presidency now than they did when he entered office in 2017. 

Trump started his first term with a net negative approval rating at -3 points, Enten said, but Trump now stands at a +6 net approval rating, up nine points from January 2017.

 A Fox News poll released January 15 found that Trump's favorable rating had jumped to 50%, up 2 points from October, and the highest on record for a Fox News poll. An equal share has an unfavorable view.

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