Catholic Gonzaga prohibits pro-life event with Liz Wheeler

Gonzaga University, a Jesuit Catholic institution, refused to allow a pro-life event by the campus Zags for Life group. Zags for Life wanted to host Catholic pro-life speaker Liz Wheeler with assistance from Young America’s Foundation, but the campus ministry office denied the request.

Grant Habersetzer, a student and board member of Gonzaga’s pro-life club Zags for Life, told The College Fix that he was notified the event was canceled by an email from Director of Mission and Ministry Luke Lavin. The ministry director said he was “unaware” that the group was working with YAF on the event, according to an email reviewed by The Fix.

Habersetzer already had received approval from the Center for Student Involvement, which typically oversees clubs on campus. However, the campus ministry office has claimed oversight of the pro-life group.

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love will end abortion sign by Tessa Rampersad is licensed under Unsplash

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