BREAKING: Big mixup at White House press office as more Biden classified docs are shown instead of a Super Bowl commercial

The White House, Washington, DC - The press room was buzzing on Sunday night as it was discovered that the Biden White House accidentally broadcasted more images of classified documents instead of a Tide Pod commercial during a break in the Super Bowl. 

Interns were seen hiding under desks as the press room was engulfed in panic when they realized their mistake. “We just used the emergency broadcasting system meant to warn Americans of an imminent threat to tell everyone that we have even more classified documents!” yelled one mid-level White House press worker. 

“Where’s my social media team? I need a huge distraction ASAP!” said the same press worker to a group of interns, who were scrambling to come up with cryptic tweets about shooting down a UFO over a town in Alaska. At publishing time, it was unclear whether or not this would be the final batch of classified documents found in the President’s possession.

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man holding brown football ball by Riley McCullough is licensed under Unsplash

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