Biden's zombie arms-out walk in latest video indicates Parkinson's

Not good…

People have been saying it’s Parkinson’s for some time now.

Alex Berenson:

Following my post today, a neurosurgeon and Unreported Truths reader (yes, some of you are actually brain surgeons) wrote in.

For obvious reasons, he did not want his name used, but his email and answers to my follow-up question speak for itself. I’d urge you to read to the end, for the prediction he makes.

I simply wanted to give you a thumbs up on your diagnosis of POTUS.

He undoubtedly has Parkinson’s disease, and is increasingly suffering from Parkinson’s dementia.  The signs are unmistakable:

-his shuffling gait
-the absence of associated movements (facial expression, arm swinging). When he does swing his arms, it appears stilted – probably because his handlers have told him to swing his arms when he walks. It’s something we all do naturally, but it goes away in Parkinson’s disease
-gait instability
-soft voice

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