Biden's Nuclear Waste Luggage Thief Sam Brinton Finally Fired—But What Took So Long?

  • by:
  • Source: PJ Media
  • 12/13/2022
The news broke Monday evening that Sam Brinton, the gender-fluid, in-your-face, puppy-playing Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy, has finally been fired.

A Department of Energy spokesbeing said tersely: “Sam Brinton is no longer a DOE employee. By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters.” And that was that.

Brinton will pack up his necklaces and high heels and miniskirts into one of his newly acquired suitcases and flounce out of the building. But the timeline makes it clear: Old Joe Biden’s handlers really, really wanted to keep Sam on the team, and only fired him after he became the public relations disaster that he should have been in the first place.
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Nuclear waste by Dan Meyers is licensed under Unsplash

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