Biden's Convenient Cold: Dem Damage Control After Debate Disaster

In a move that surprises absolutely no one, the Biden campaign is now claiming that the former Vice President's abysmal debate performance was due to a sudden case of the sniffles. How convenient.

Joe Biden, the Democrats' chosen standard-bearer, stumbled and mumbled his way through last night's debate against President Trump. While Trump was sharp, focused, and in command of the facts, Biden appeared lost, confused, and unable to keep up with the pace of discussion. It was a stark contrast that left many wondering if Biden is truly fit for the highest office in the land.

But fear not, folks! The spin doctors are hard at work. Just hours after the debate concluded - and more importantly, after the unanimous verdict that Biden had lost badly - his team suddenly remembered that poor old Joe had been "fighting a cold" all day. 

Let's be clear: this is nothing more than a pathetic attempt at damage control. If Biden truly had been ill, why wasn't this mentioned before the debate? Why did none of his staff or surrogates bring it up during the pre-debate coverage? The answer is simple - because it's a fabrication, hastily concocted when they realized just how poorly their candidate had performed.

This "cold" excuse is insulting to the intelligence of the American people. We all saw Biden's performance. We saw him lose his train of thought mid-sentence, confuse key policy points, and resort to name-calling when cornered on his 47-year record of failure. No head cold causes that level of incompetence.

Moreover, if a mere cold can throw Biden off his game this badly, how can we trust him to lead the country through real crises? The presidency isn't a job you can call in sick for when the going gets tough.

President Trump, in contrast, showed the strength, stamina, and mental acuity that we've come to expect from him. Cold or no cold, Trump would have shown up and delivered for the American people - just as he's been doing for the past four years.

This latest excuse from the Biden camp is just another in a long line of attempts to cover for their candidate's obvious shortcomings. The American people deserve better than a candidate who needs to be coddled and protected from tough questions and rigorous debate.

As we move forward in this election season, voters would do well to remember: if Biden can't handle a debate, how can he handle the presidency?
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