Biden Believes He Founded the United States

In a stunning development, sources close to President Biden have revealed that he believes he founded the United States of America.

According to the sources, Biden has made this claim on multiple occasions, both in private and public. For example, at a recent meeting with his cabinet, Biden reportedly said, "I remember when I founded this country. It was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it."

The sources also say that Biden has become increasingly convinced of his own role in founding the country as his time in office has progressed. For example, at a recent speech to Congress, Biden reportedly said, "I am the father of this country. I built it with my own two hands."

Biden is known for his misspeaking. This has led some people to question his mental acuity, and it is possible that his belief that he founded the United States is simply a manifestation of his declining cognitive abilities.

Whatever the reason, Biden's belief that he founded the United States is a serious concern. It raises questions about his fitness for office and his ability to make sound decisions. It also undermines public confidence in the presidency.

In a recent poll, 42% of Americans said that they believe Biden's belief that he founded the United States is a sign that he is unfit for office. 36% of Americans said that they are unsure, and only 22% of Americans said that they believe Biden's belief is harmless.

It is unclear what can be done to address Biden's belief that he founded the United States. Some experts have suggested that he should be removed from office for being unfit, while others have suggested that he should be given a cognitive test. However, it is unlikely that either of these options will be pursued.

For now, Biden's belief that he founded the United States is likely to remain a source of controversy and amusement. It is a reminder that even the most powerful people in the world are not immune to delusions of grandeur.

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Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Flickr

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