A "Woke" Military is a weak military

Republicans will have more opportunities to take aim at Biden administration defense policies they've decried as "woke," including the military's COVID-19 vaccine mandate, if they take control of Congress in November's midterm elections.

"I think it's one of our very top priorities to clean up the mess the administration has made with the excessive and dangerous COVID mandates on our troops at a time where we have historically low recruitment," said Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., chairman of the Republican Study Committee, the largest conservative caucus in the House.

"Those are issues that we've been very passionate about in the minority, and I guarantee we'll be just as passionate about them when we get the majority," Banks added when asked by Military.com about blocking diversity and equity initiatives Republicans have inaccurately labeled "critical race theory" and anti-extremism efforts.
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soldiers in truck by Diego González is licensed under Unsplash unsplash.com

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