Philadelphia, PA - Draping an arm around each of their shoulders, Democratic aides were seen trying to ambulate the deceased body of a Pennsylvania State Rep. on Friday night. While one of the aides held the body upright, the other was seen moving the dead man’s mouth during a press conference.
“Yea, um, we’re really excited to be the longest serving state representative for the great state of Pennsylvania”, said one aide through the side of his mouth. The same aide had a weak response to reporters when asked if this was a cheap rip-off of the 1989 classic movie, Weekend at Bernie’s.
“Um, no definitely not the same situation,” said the same aide to the question. “Besides, they already had a sequel to that movie and it wasn’t very good. What we’re doing here in Pennsylvania is important, and um, we’re excited for the future of this great state.” The Democratic aides were seen struggling to keep the dead candidate upright as they exited the contentious press conference.