On Thursday, three of Biden’s cabinet secretaries met with Obrador. He has the power to embarrass Biden during the 2024 campaign with massive, televised eruptions of migrants — such as the September 2021 rush of 15,000 Haitians at
Del Rio, Texas.
He has that power because Biden’s deputies have abandoned their duty to enforce the border law and have, instead, triggered a flood of global migrants through Mexico that Mexico’s government can hold or release whenever Obrador chooses.
On Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland promised Obrador that he would restrict the supply of U.S.-made guns to Mexico’s cartels, saying that U.S. officials “well understand the dangers of the military-grade weapons that are being trafficked to Mexico.”
The U.S. has doubled the capture of guns smuggled to Mexico during the last year, border chief Alejandro Mayorkas told Obrador. Mayorkas is also quietly allowing roughly 50,000 Mexicans per month to cross the border into U.S. jobs and communities.
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