Did the Daily Mail just accidentally uncover the Biden family money-laundering scheme?

Did the Daily Mail accidentally uncover a money-laundering scam in the Biden family? No, we’re not talking about Hunter Biden’s fake “artwork.” This new theory hits much closer to Joe’s home—literally. It involves two of his homes in Delaware. Either Joe Biden is broke and needs a lot of cash, or he’s up to something mighty shady. The big question now is: why are the Bidens refinancing their Delaware homes so often? One of their houses was actually refinanced an astounding 15 times.

Honestly, who needs to refinance their home 15 or more times? We wanted to find out the average number of times Americans refinance their homes. Unfortunately, that data isn’t readily available. However, when we asked ChatGPT if refinancing a home 15 times was “excessive,” this was the response:

“Yes, refinancing a single home 15 times does seem excessive.”

So, what is Biden up to, especially given the fact that he’s worth millions? There are some interesting theories floating around.

Insurrection Barbie:

The Daily Mail is reporting that Joe and Jill Biden have refinanced their Delaware home 20 times and taken up to 4.2 million dollars in cash out of its equity.

This is really weird because the Biden’s are worth 10 million dollars. So why are they refinancing their property over 20 times and why did they refinance their previous Wilmington property 15 times?

Well according to Chat GPT, the number one reason people frequently cycle mortgages is to launder money gotten from illegitimate places.

You don’t say. Fascinating.

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Biden Speaking by Matt Johnson is licensed under Flickr Flickr

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