America still not woke enough to abandon men-women divide in sports

When hundreds of Virginia students left classrooms this week to protest Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s effort to scale back pro-transgender policies in schools, it was heralded by some media outlets as a slam-dunk sign that teenage LGBT rights have won out.

But coming on the anniversary of when former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe blew his chance in the 2021 election battle with Youngkin by suggesting parents shouldn’t tell schools what to do, it reminded others that the issue is far from closed.

In fact, Youngkin’s office sent Secrets a handful of stories about parents walking out of school board meetings across the commonwealth to protest proposed policies to give transgender students new rights, such as the right to enter bathrooms or participate in sports as their desired sex, not the one “assigned at birth.”
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Relay runner by Braden Collum is licensed under Unsplash

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